Overview of visual acuity improvement in postoperative cataract patients using a monofocal lens and phacoemulsification techniques

Visual acuity in post cataract surgery patients





Cataract, monofocal lens, phacoemulsification, visual acuity


Background: In Indonesia, one of the leading causes of blindness is cataract. Phacoemulsification is a surgical procedure that uses ultrasound energy to break the lens into pieces, which are then removed through by a probe. The lens is replaced with an intraocular lens (IOL) of the appropriate size for each patient. Monofocal lenses are among the most common lens types, which offer a single-focus correction for distance vision. However, additional glasses are required for near distances. Objective:  to provide an overview of visual acuity improvement in postoperative cataract patients using monofocal lenses and phacoemulsification techniques. Materials and Methods: This study used an observational design and included postoperative cataract patients who underwent phacoemulsification with a monofocal lens at dr. Sjamsu Eye Clinic from September to November 2023. The data collected from the patients included their sex, age, operated eye, cataract type, and preoperative and postoperative visual acuity on days 1, 7, and 30. Results: A total 53 patients were evaluated. The majority of patients were female (57%) and between the ages of 60 and 69 years (43%). The preoperative visual acuity of the majority of patients was between <6/18 and <6/60 (60%). On day 30 post-surgery, the uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) of 87% of patients was good, while the UCVA of the remaining patients was moderate. Conclusion: The visual acuity improvement in postoperative cataract patients using a monofocal lens and phacoemulsification techniques yielded satisfactory outcomes and met the standards for visual acuity by the World Health Organization (WHO).


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