The implementation of community services of glaucoma counseling in Citra Medika Hospital of Sidoarjo
The implementation of community services of glaucoma counselling
glaucoma, health service, community, societyAbstract
Background: Glaucoma is a disease attributed to damage to the optic nerve, resulting in decreased visual field and vision function. Glaucoma's main risk factor is the increment of intraocular pressure due to an imbalance of aqueous humor production and secretion. If this condition goes untreated, it will lead to retinal ganglion cell degeneration. These cells are part of the central nervous system, which has cell bodies in the retinal layer and axons in the optic nerve. These cells' degeneration causes cupping, which is the appearance of the optic disc and vision loss. Glaucoma's cause has yet to be identified, and not all factors that cause its progression have been found. Objectives: this community dedication was written to access the society knowledge about glaucoma. Methods: This project entailed counseling the community around Citra Medika Hospital, Sidoarjo. This community service was conducted by co-assistant members of the Faculty of Medicing, Hang Tuah University, Surabaya. It aimed to provide participants with an understanding of glaucoma, including its types, risk factors, and preventive measures. Discussion: The participants in this community outreach were the individuals waiting for their relatives at the eye outpatient installation at Citra Medika Hospital, Sidoarjo. In total, 30% of the participants were male and 70% were female. Conclusion: This community service is expected to increase public awareness of glaucoma. As a result, they may then carry out examinations when they encounter glaucoma-related symptoms.
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