Medical education in Indonesia: medical education curriculum in the future

Medical education curriculum in the future




medical doctor, medical curriculum, university based, problem-based learning


Background: As the time goes by, the medical education has been developed since 1849, with the development on the educational system, medical education institution faces a big challenge to control the quality of medical education via curriculum renewal. Objectives: to describe the Indonesia’s medical education curriculum in the future as the implementation of hospital-based education system which will begin to be implemented. Editorial: The medical education was developed after the world-war II, in which medical institution was developed with the new educational models. The main purpose to find the solution of transition problems, from theory to practice, from undergraduate to postgraduate, and from training to unrestricted practice, but the quality of graduation was unequal. Medical curriculum was established as Flexner opinion stated that medical knowledge is not something fixed. This rethorical opinion create the new view of medical education to instilling the proper techniques on acquiring and evaluating the information. Nowadays, many curriculum was adopted in order to produce a good and qualified medical doctor, such as problem based-learning (PBL). Conclusion: Indonesian medical education curriculum faces constant changes from time to time depend on the society healthcare needs. Being a medical doctor means a long journey and long-life education in order to increase the medical skills and updating the medical knowledge. And medical doctor education means university based and hospital setting. This two education settings can’t be separated


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