The role of the Neonatal Emergency Transportation Service (NETS) ambulance at dr. Ramelan Central Naval Hospital in reducing neonatal mortality rates in Surabaya
NETS reduces neonatal mortality
DOI: Kunci:
NETS, neonatal transport, referral system, neonatal mortality, survivalAbstrak
Background: Limited access to health services is one of the factors that increases the risk of neonatal death. Previous studies identified inadequate transportation as a problem in the neonatal referral system in Indonesia. The Neonatal Emergency Transportation Service (NETS) was established to address this problem. NETS is equipped with an incubator, transport ventilator, and mobile vital sign monitor. Newborns transported via NETS are accompanied by a doctor and trained nurses. Objective: This study aims to compare the survival rates of newborns referred with and without using the NETS ambulance. Materials and Methods: This descriptive observational study employed a total sampling technique. Data were collected retrospectively from the electronic medical records at dr. Ramelan Central Naval Hospital, comparing the number of referrals and neonatal deaths between September 2021 and August 2022 (without the NETS ambulance) and between September 2022 and August 2023 (with the NETS ambulance). The data were analyzed using a chi-squared test (p = 0.004). Results: A total of 81 newborns were referred to the hospital using the NETS ambulance. The survival rate of newborns transported with the NETS ambulance was higher (69.1%) compared to those transported without the NETS ambulance (48.1%) (p = 0.004). The risk ratio was calculated at 0.413. Conclusion: Neonatal survival rates were higher for referrals using the ambulance compared to those without using the ambulance.
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Hak Cipta (c) 2024 Maria Adventia Debi Mustika Martin, Stefani Miranda, Aminuddin Harahap

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